Friday, December 19, 2008

Is Everyone Simply Expressionless?

Mrs. Estrada is...too nice that she has an evil side. Hmmm doesn't seem to quite make sense....

Lovely Conversation in Fifth Period=

Mrs Estrada: This class is doing terrible when it comes to grades right now. (to class)

Me: *stressed angry expression on face with eyes wild*

Mrs. Estrada: SO I normally don't this especially if you guys are HONOR students BUT you're lucky that there's extra credit available.

Me: *jaw drops*

Mrs. Estrada: *raises eyeborws* WHOA! Lara chill it's just optional.

Me: *purses lips with face reddening* [how do I know this well Karina tells me that my face is bright red]

Mrs. Estrada: Ok well now we're proceeding to the media center so off we go.

(Class walks to media center)

Me: Christin do you wanna be my partner for the activity thingy...?

Christin: Yeah!

(Moments later we stumble on something and have no idea what to do. Mrs Estrada is grading ppers a little a ways so I go over to her table and wait until Sara is done asking her question to Mrs. Estrada)

Me: Hi Mrs Estrada I have a question.

Mrs. Estrada: Well if it isn't Little Miss Facial Expressions.

Me: *eyebrows raise and jaw drops in disbelief*

~Anyway the point is, is that it's finally winter break and that means no more teachers making snide reamarks about me!!!


The Queen of England :) said...

"little Miss Facial Expressions".......

HAHAHHAHAHAHHA!!! (couldn't contain it any longer)

Oh my gosh, there is no way she said that to your face.......

that's a funny story.....

Nice comic, by the way.

AnnaDee said...

i think u should report her for being so cruel. i mean, just THINK what that can do to someone's self esteem. ur teacher has no right whatsoever to do that. if i lived closer, i'd cut class, march up to her and chew her out for that, don't think i wouldn't!

Music is my Life said...

um rude! this is me!!! KF! on my new blog that i am really excited for. that is a weird do i add u as a friend-ish thing?