Thursday, July 31, 2008

Weird I know but for some reason i'm homesick....

Ok let me be honest but I personally hate Irvine. I mean I guess it's safe and all and it has some really cool malls but have you seen the houses and the environment?? Everything's SO dang fake!!!! I mean my title says I'm homesick which I am...WHY!? I don't know I guess I miss my friends and also exercising because I've been eating so much junk on this trip to Arizona and Utah. By the way I'm in Utah right now. I have some pics of me and my cousins in Arizona but I'm going to make a whole seperate post just for that. ANYWAY!! Sorry I get side-tracked easily. Yeah so I'm on this trip and I feel like I've gained like 10 pounds or something!! I'm sure I haven't but I just feel really unhealthy. I LOVE Arizona!!! I thought I would hate it since my Grandpa Charlie was buried there but I just love the scenery AND the weather. Weird I know but I guess I seem to enjoy hot weather the best. The people are SO nice!! I wouldn't consider Irvine as my home but since I'm forced to call it my home then Irvine's my first home, Italy's my second home, and then Arizona is my third home. My best friend also lives in Arizona so that's a plus but I didn't get to visit her because right now she's in Irvine visiting her friends and all that stuff. Isn't that funny!? I'm in Arizona and she's in Irvine. Don't worry I did get to hang out with her before I left and may I say we had TOO much fun. Lol. Bridgette I TOTALLY owned you at Skip-Bo AND Uno!!! Utah is ok but it's too much like Irvine for me I don't know. Many of you would disagree with me but it's just my opinion so don't get upset with me. Right now I'm using the Best Western's in Provo Utah's computer if you're wondering. I'm waiting until my dad tells me to get off so that we can visit our best family friends. That family is pretty cool...sometimes. They moved to Utah like a year ago so I guess my Dad and stepmom really miss them. None of their kids are my age. I mean they're cool and all it's just I'm too old for them. Oh by the way I'm using my cousin Anna's line that best describes Utah (random thought just came to me so bear with me) (is that how you spell bear? I apologize for my incorrect spelling). Ok so Utah is the land of the freaking Mormons. I cracked up when she told me that because it's TOTALLY true!!!! Anyway I think I should be going now..not sure but better safe than sorry. My next post will be all about my Utah and Arizona trip in specifics so prepare yourselves for an insane post next time!! Which I will add once I get back from Utah so probably August 5. Ok so goodbye my awesomely awesome people!!! CIAO!! PEACE (is so out)!!!!! :p <3

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Now that I see the number of comments dwindling I'm becoming convinced that not many people read my blog anymore. (sigh) Well that's depressing. Anyway ugh Sundays!!! Never anything to do!!! I'm kind of hurting right now so ya...I wish I was hurting as in being sore but sadly I'm not sore so when I say I'm hurting right now I'm talking about being depressed and lonesome. ) : Ok I need to talk about something um let's see lighter...I went shopping yesterday with Lauren!! Which was very fun but got disappointed because I got a new jacket that was $50!! Don't get me wrong it's a freakin' awesome jacket it's just that I wanted to get more clothes because I rarely shop. On Friday I saw The Dark Knight with Hannah and Yana. Ok I think I'm in love with the Joker!! His laugh is SO cool and just he's like my favorite villain of all time! Heath Ledger did a phenominal job!!! He did amazing!!!! The movie was SO good. I'm sorry but I just can't get over it!! Oh ya also while I was shopping with Lauren we went to the Verizon store and looked at phones. UGH!!! I WANT THE VOYAGER!!!!! But ofcourse I have to have a crappy phone...ugh o well. Anyway I guess that's it...Oh ya and I feel like I'm in a forlorn state of mind. I don't feel like I'm real it's weird I feel like I'm in a daze or something..ANYWAY! PEACE OUT!!! :P

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sore but Why Complain!?

I don't know about you good people but I LOVE exercise. I mean sure there's those days where your like ugh I don't want to get all sweaty or I don't want to get my butt off the couch but well atleast for me that once you exercise you feel SO much better!! Ok so at the moment I'm excruciatingly sore (weight-lifting @ 24 hour I tell you..) but for some reason I'm well. After I exercise I feel better about myself, can get better sleep at night, have more energy throughout the day, and just think faster!! Oh and my favorite kind of exercise is like an exercise that gets me sore in the morning. I know that sounds REALLY weird but for me there's like a reassurance that I was doing my body good even though I'm sore but it just makes me feel tougher. Sorry it's kind of hard to explain and some of you must be thinking "What is this crazy girl trying to say!?'. Well you kind of have to exercise for yourself if you want to understand what I'm feeling. Hahah anywayz so I'm going to the center today!!!! YAY!! With Hannah, Stefani,and Adriane!! Omigawsh SO fun I can't wait!!!! Then I'm going to D&B's later where we're ("we" being my family..ugh) are meeting my Dad's cousin's family there. I don't mean to be rude or anything but D&B's food is crap!!! Some of the games are fun there but most of them are rip-offs. So as you can tell I'm not very enthused on coming but I don't get to make the decisions so I guess I'll have to suffer through it. Ok well gottago to the Center where I'll be with my homies!!! Haaha. PEACE (out)!!!!! : P

Thursday, July 10, 2008

My thoughts On SumMer

Today I woke up at 7:45 and laid in bed until 8:00 which is when I actually got out of bed. I got into my proper volleyball attire because at 9:00 I was going to have one-on-one volleyball with Mackenzie (older girl than me who is super nice and is a REALLY good volleyball player). So then I ate breakfast (a protein bar..yummy! no seriously they're really good!) After that it was time to go to the volleyball courts by my house to well obviously play volleyball (DUR!). Dang it was hot!!! But it was a good work out (: My motto a healthy and fit Lara is a happy Lara. Haha! Anyway then for the rest of the day I've been hanging out. It's been SO nice. I love summer!!! I know I know how that is a shock to you readers because if you read my very first post in June it said how I wasn't looking forward to the summer but I'm actually enoying it. ( : YAY!!! Well I'm not looking forward to the week after next week...ugh oh well my summer is still freakingly awesome!! Volleyball, staying up late, waking up early, biking with Hannah, watching movies, listening to music, texting, e-mailing, getting jobs which only means $$$, and hanging with my friends. Ohhh fun fun fun! But I do miss Queenie a lot (tear tear). Anywayz all I'm saying for this post is that summer ROCKS!!!!! : P

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Frustrating!!! ...then..Melancholy...

Now readers I feel your pain from having to sit and read through one of my posts in the past where I was acting all depressed and thinking that life was so terrible because now I have someone complaining about their life to me. It's funny how we see maybe a friend or a person at school where they're all cheerful, loving, and happy but if you talk to them in a chat room or something they start shooting out things like "I hate me." or "My life sucks." Then you ask them why do you hate yourself and their best reason to explain that is to say because I do. Well what the heck!? What kind of reason is that to hate yourself? Then they'll say I just suck at life. What the heck is that supposed to mean? Maybe the reason why you hate your life or that you suck at it is because you hate yourself and you don't want to live with yourself. Key to happiness in life you guys is to love yourself because you can only be but yourself and you'll have to live with yourself for this life and the next life and I'm sure that if you hate yourself life is going to get harder to get through. Oh and just a fact is that if any of you are interested in getting married when you're older then I suggest that you love yourself because then that will teach you to love other people including that special one and I promise you that your marriage will work out if you love yourself and your spouse loves themself and if you love eachother. Hey I know that's further down the road for us but it doesn't hurt to keep it mind for the future. Ok so that's the end of the frustrating part now to the melancholy.
For those of you who don't know what melancholy means I will explain. Melancholy means your sort of mello and gloomy (feel free to comment if you beg to differ). Ay me!!! I don't know about you but isn't there ever a person in your heart that you know you won't be able to see in awhile? (sigh) I miss that person so much and I long to see their smile, hear their laugh, and watch their eyes sparkle. Why must I wait for that person? I'm sure they're having a great time wherever they are and that they have things to occupy them but what about me? I don't have anything to distract me from these feelings of longingness (is that a Then I begin to wonder if you ever stop to think of me. Omigawsh!!! That totally reminds me of the song Think of Me from the musical Phantom of the Opera!!! (Believe it or not but I used to be obsessed with Phantom of the Opera) *Think of me, think of me fondly when we say goodbye. Remember me once in awhile please promise me you'll try.Then you'll find that once again you long to take your heart back and be free. If you'll ever find a moment spare a thought for me..* Sorry I tend to burst into song at times. Haha. Ok well my melancholy moment is over so PEACE!!! (out) :p

Saturday, July 5, 2008

You wanna know what I love...

I don't know why but I have the urge to list things off that I love right now. Ok here goes:

1. friends haha this may take awhile to list off all my friends and I'm sorry if I forget you! My mind can only hold so much at a time. Becca Becca, Hannah, Taylor, Kelsey, Christin, Anna, Emma, Q , Camille, Bridgette!! (my BFF), Nipuni, Ann, Shelby (pumpkin), and anybody who reads and comments my blog!!!!(omigawsh I just went completely blank! So I know I have more but just ACH I can't think so SORRY!!!)

2. music
~bands: Three Days Grace, Linkin Park, Cold Play, Yellow Card, Evanescence, Collective Soul, Incubus, Switchfoot, Fall out Boy (sorta..), I Love You but I've Chosen Darkness, Nickleback, All-Amercian Rejects (kinda), Breaking Benjamin, My Chemical Romance (ok), Paramore (eh), Korn (good), Finger Eleven (ok), Aqua Bats (haha they're ok the songs are meant to be funny instead of musical) and I'm sure there's more I just can't think of anymore

Latest song stuck in my head: "Call Me When You're Sober" by Evanescence

3. Volleyball!!!!!!! This year I played outside hitter but next season I want to be middle back. I love hitting it's just that I like passing too and so next season I wanna try that position.

4. Food. *song* Food Glorious Food hot sausage and mustard while we're in the mood cold jelly and custard*end* Haha sorry couldn't resist. Ok so ya my list of favorite foods could go forever but I'll just put down my top five. Penne Alla Sorentina (basically penne pasta with tomato sauce and a lotta cheese!!!) , cheese pizza, oreo pizookie at BJ's, nachos, Molten Chocolate cake at Chili's. (mouth waterng)

5.Places. I love to travel so I'll put down the places that I've been and the places I wanna go.
~Been: Arizona, Utah, Washington D.C., England, Italy, obviously Northern California, and Hawaii

~Places I wanna go to: Scotland, Ireland, Paris or just France, maybe New York, Mexico, Alaska, Canada, Sweden, and many more!!!

Ok so I guess that's about it! Thanx for reading!!!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Is it Too Late to Apologize?

As you can see I deleted my posts from the past becasue out of boredom I'd find myself reading them. As I'm reading them I feel like I'm such a terrible person and then I feel sorry for myself. Now I just want to have a fresh start and I'm sick and tired of feeling sorry for myself because now I know that I need to move on. In a way I'd say that I love my life. Ofcourse there are those rough times along the road and maybe we tend to dwell on those instead of focusing on all the great things in our life. I want to apologize to you my readers because as I read your comments I felt all your love and support for me but then would immediately overlook them. I feel bad because I've been fishing for compliments but that's going to end now (I solemnly swear!!). I am SO grateful for each one of you. All of you definitely set a great example for me and I need to stop and think of you WAY more often then I do and just remember how well you treat me. All of you ROCK OUTLOUD!!!! I am SO blessed to live in Irvine (even though nothing happens here but atleast I know I'm safe), to go to the best school of all time, and to have all of you great people in my life! ( : Happy Fourth of July you guys!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!! <3