Friday, January 23, 2009

Stress is an EVIL thing

Hey guys!!!! Ok so at the moment I've been extremely stressed with tests,school, volleyball,trying to make everyone happy, chores, voice lessons, trying to get together with friends and the two dreaded extra credit projects which I stupidly put upon myself: HISTORY DAY AND SCIENCE FAIR. It's crazy. This is SUCH a huge bomb and I feel VERY overwhelmed. As I am typing this up I have a bowl of icecream which is helping me calm my nerves but food especially fatty food is NEVER the answer but it's a REALLY bad habit that I've had ever since I can remember. It's sad. I also stress about my weight...ugh but I won't go there. This weekend will probably be the busiest weekend of my life so I'm really hoping my parents won't dump chores on me since I'm baby sitting Kent tomorrow night...but you never know with parents and all. Oh well. Sorry I need to go though cause my show's on!!! Omigawsh I sound like an oldie! XD Old people are pretty cool though. :] Alright well Ciao I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!! <3>


Sarah said...

poor lara :(
im here for you!!
some advice?

Uberpsycho Tom said...

Ok Lara first things first

1.Lose that background I'm getting going to get nightmares

2.At least your finals or whatever you call em' aren't over,My finals were hard and I had no idea what I was doing,plus my Spanish teacher failed to give me anything to study for it,I think I've failed Algebra 2 and Chemistry and therefore have to take it all over again,be glad you're not doomed

3.Be grateful your not in that situation

4.Immerse your self in a good video game


Music is my Life said...

i'm sorry!

Music is my Life said...

make a new post!!!!