Saturday, November 8, 2008

I Need Comments w/ Advice pleeze!!

Heeyy guys! SO YAY Prop 8 is good!!!! I'm SO glad it's over!!! Anyway back to business. Alright so I have a question and I'd REALLY appreciate if I could get you're guys's inputs because I'm just curious. So here's my question:

"Do long-distance relationships work out?"

When you get the chance pleeze comment and tell me what you think about it!! Thanks!!!



Jess said...

Mmmm, this is a hard one because I have experienced it both working and not working. My junior year BF moved away after the summer, and there was just too much going on and too many fun boys to date for me to wait around for him, and he wasn't a good phone talker. Then after I met Chad at BYU I went home for the summer and we decided to just take a break, but ended up talking for hours everyday and playing uno over the phone and he came to visit me a few times, after that I pretty much knew he was the one because when I had the chance I didn't want to date anyone else. So I would have to say I think it depends on the guy and where you are at in life. For High school, I would say no just because that time is so short and you don't want to waste it by waiting around to see a guy every once in a while. Try it, stay friends and talk, but don't not try to meet or hang out with other people because you will miss meeting some good ones. Hope this helps, and remember you are young, so know that you have a long time to date before you need a Boyfriend.

Q said...

It depends on the people involved. Why do you ask?

~Lara from the Sahara said...

thanx jess thats great advice! how do u play uno over the phone? just curious. haha. ok q well its me and my "boyfriend" (shivers down spine: "I cant get used to that!") ok so he's moving to pennsylvania so he broke up with me thinking that it was best for me and then we were talking and confessed to eachother that we still werent over one another so we're still together. will it work?

Anonymous said...

um i dont no i just wanted to comment on ur blog, my sister and her BF cant be away from eachother. she moved to Utah instead of being in Hawai'i just to be with him. ya it was sorta sad but okay because she was closer to us. so yeah thats my advice. suckish i no but deal with it

The Queen of England :) said...

yeah, lara lara, i have no idea..... but i dont think ur asking me anyway, so, it's all good!! why u aking, out of curiosity?

Kyle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karen said...

It's fun to have a long distance BF as long as everyone involved is ok with changing things as time goes by. Then you can gently get over him. I hate the big breakup thing when everyone is still great with each other only because you aren't in the same state. What does distance matter in love?? In time you might each find someone else closer at hand, and that will be ok too. Any pictures to post?????

~Lara from the Sahara said...

hahaha sorry aunt karen i dont have any pictures of him...i should get some but at the moment he's being really weird so i havent talked to him in awhie....

Uberpsycho Tom said...

AGHHHH! Prop 8 laggy!!!!! Nah it's all right.

It could work but is it worth it is the question when there are so many other hot guys around

Besides if you tried to contact and start it up again he might have found someone else anyway

Most Mormons don't have a real Boyfriend or Girlfriend until who knows but they still tend marry young

Anonymous said...

No sorry they dont work.

Unknown said...

based from experience, they don't really work out...sowwie

Antonietta May said...

depends. is it true?