Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sore but Why Complain!?

I don't know about you good people but I LOVE exercise. I mean sure there's those days where your like ugh I don't want to get all sweaty or I don't want to get my butt off the couch but well atleast for me that once you exercise you feel SO much better!! Ok so at the moment I'm excruciatingly sore (weight-lifting @ 24 hour I tell you..) but for some reason I'm well. After I exercise I feel better about myself, can get better sleep at night, have more energy throughout the day, and just think faster!! Oh and my favorite kind of exercise is like an exercise that gets me sore in the morning. I know that sounds REALLY weird but for me there's like a reassurance that I was doing my body good even though I'm sore but it just makes me feel tougher. Sorry it's kind of hard to explain and some of you must be thinking "What is this crazy girl trying to say!?'. Well you kind of have to exercise for yourself if you want to understand what I'm feeling. Hahah anywayz so I'm going to the center today!!!! YAY!! With Hannah, Stefani,and Adriane!! Omigawsh SO fun I can't wait!!!! Then I'm going to D&B's later where we're ("we" being my family..ugh) are meeting my Dad's cousin's family there. I don't mean to be rude or anything but D&B's food is crap!!! Some of the games are fun there but most of them are rip-offs. So as you can tell I'm not very enthused on coming but I don't get to make the decisions so I guess I'll have to suffer through it. Ok well gottago to the Center where I'll be with my homies!!! Haaha. PEACE (out)!!!!! : P


Unknown said...

omg. FINALLY. someone that thinks the same way as me about exercise!!!! i luvvv exercising, too!!! and i have to admit, too... it does feel good to be sore the next morning. anyways..i had a lotta fun the center with u and steph and aye! i hope you can come with me to see the dark night friday!!! <3 ya to death!!!

p.s. listen to this song...i am IN LOVE with this song! http://youtube.com/watch?v=QedgzsjouXU

The Queen of England :) said...

yea, i hope that you had loads of fun at the center!! i lov ya and miss ya loads!! i love u man!!